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I'm Cindy - I help high school seniors capture their style and best version of themselves! We have a blast...let me be your own, personal hype girl! I also help help photographers, new and not-so-new, better their craft!


destination sessionS

2015 Senior Model Rep Shoot Reveal | Cindy Swanson Photography | Senior Photographer


July 19, 2014

I am so excited to finally be able to share these photos from the 2015 rep shoot that we did back in May.

CANNOT say enough good things about these girls AND the incredible support staff that we had.  This kind of shoot is so fun for me because it’s a concept shoot, I get to express a little creative freedom and shoot something different than a normal shoot.  I wanted to do an Americana type shoot with an old truck and a vintage or bohemian type shoot with an old car.  I had been on the look-out for some time for just the right vehicles and hadn’t had a ton of luck, but all of the sudden, right before the shoot, ‘Ol Blue showed up in my neighborhood!!. So I did some research, found the owner’s number, asked him if he wouldn’t mind 5 pretty girls sitting on his truck for an hour, and he said he’s okay with that, lol!  Then, this car was brought to my attention as it was just about to be fully restored. Oh my gosh, this car! It was so cool, and they were so gracious to let me use it. He handed me the keys and let me drive it into the (chigger infested) field. It was fun. to. drive.

So…I was so happy that the car was located in the area of this field, because, well, this field was just perfect.  Perfect trees, perfect grass, perfect direction for the sun to set over those trees….PERFECT!  Ex-cept for the you-never-know-they-are-there-until-you-itch-like-crazy-that-night bugs known as chiggers!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS!  Every single one of us was eaten up….and during final exams I might add.  One of my daughters had over 100 bites and every one of the models were eaten up, yikes!! I felt terrible! Many of us went to get steroid shots…I’ll bet the Drs. in town were wondering what in the world was going on.  Well……we were making memories for sure!!  Moms and daughters all had such a great attitude about it :)

This shoot was styled by the always amazing Groovy’s!! They did SUCH a fantastic job in pulling items to go with the Americana theme, and the vintage/bohemian look. We worked together to pull some clothes, had the models come out for a fitting and then Nicole finished off the looks with fabulous, fabulous jewelry!  There is a lot of thought and coordination by Groovy’s that goes into a concept shoot or a fashion show. They are SO good at it and SO great to work with!! Love them!

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At Groovy’s for the fitting…

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We are ready to go….

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So the day of the shoot, we met up with Tiffany, from Couture Cosmetics by Tiffany, and Anna-Lea and Meghan, from Rockwall Salons. Tiffany did, as always, a wonderful job with each of the girl’s make up. She takes each girl’s skin tone, texture, and the outfits into her thought process of what to do with each girl and how to finish out the look.  Tiffany and I work very closely together with all of my senior shoots…it is a wonderful relationship and I am so thankful to have her.  She is so easy for the girls to be around, and an amazing make up artist.  THANK YOU, THANK YOU  TIFFANY for all that you do! Tiffany books well in advance, so remember when you are setting your time with her for a session with me, book her early as well!

Anna-Lea and Meghan – ah – you guys were GREAT! I brought in photos of each girl and what I had hoped to do with each girl’s hair. They were spot on and so easy to work with!!  They are at Rockwall Salons and share a suite together and fun to be around.  I highly recommend working with them on the day of your shoot!

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It takes TEAM WORK to make the DREAM WORK!  Thank you to these wonderful ladies and to Groovy’s!!!

It’s a long post but here you go……….

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The day wouldn’t have been the same without my two daughters being there to help me! They were an amazing help!! Thank you girls so much! Audrey was totally in charge of the clothing and jewelry and rocked it! And Britt kept me in line and helped direct what shot we wanted to do next. She makes a great leader!Cindy Swanson Photography 064

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Wow, you girls were SO great to photograph…SO great to be around…I just loved every minute of it!! I am looking so forward to this upcoming year with you guys!


And now, for some OUT-TAKES………


What’s the first thing a teenage girl does after an awesome Model Rep Shoot?  Get in the car and post it to social media, of course, lol!

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My daughter Audrey took this photo of our visitor………HILARIOUS!


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Tell me more!

I'm Cindy - I help high school seniors capture their style and best version of themselves! We have a blast...let me be your own, personal hype girl! I also help help photographers, new and not-so-new, better their craft!


destination sessionS